CONBES HOLDINGS LIMITED is a company registered in Malta. The company focuses mainly on the development of business in the Middle East region . CONBES was born naturally through a family business in the Middle East.

Through the past five years the company has developed itself into a well established Management Consultancy Firm.

Years of experience of dealings between European and American companies with companies based in the Middle East, CONBES has today established a vast network of business relationships with market leaders of various industries and has concluded numerous contracts.

Through a workforce of people spread out in the Middle Eastern region,  CONBES HOLDINGS offer a constant and permanent presence within these markets. When assisting our clients in developing business in this region,  we are always there to facilitate the process; starting from market intelligence to identify the suitable business opportunity which link to your business activities or for entry into the country selected, or be it the need for movement within the country.

With a long list of international market leaders from various continents, CONBES HOLDINGS today officially represents the leaders in most business sectors, from Oil and Gas to Health, Education, Power Generation and Construction industries amongst others

We are Management and strategic consultants. We work closely with our clients to help find solutions to difficult business-related problems and we get involved with projects that help our clients perform better.

We provide a wide spectrum of services to ensure that your project is a success including :


Providing you with information

Information is of course key and a significant factor on your chances of success. Typically, the information we provide will include :

  • Feasibility studies.
  • Attitude surveys.
  • Market surveys.
  • Cost studies.

We will also analyze your business's competitive structure and access risks and limiting factors. 


Solving Problems

Together we will undoubtedly have to face challenging scenarios and problems which will need solutions. Through our collective expertise, we will present effective solutions. Marketing strategies and business plans might to be revised and updated accordingly. Assisting you to managed change will be part of our mandate.

In many cases, we find, that one area we can be very effectibe is in figuring out what the real issues are and then suggest structural changes to mitigate them. Our first and most important job is to identify the problem and put it in context.


Making Recommendations

When we launch an investigative study of your project or business setup, we usually suggest giving an oral presentation besides submitting a written report outlining the results of our analysis. This report will include detailed recommendations as to what you and your team should do next.




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